Moms if you are raising a child with special needs can I encourage you today? On those days where you doubt your ability, where you doubt whether or not you are equipped for the task at hand can I tell you that you are?
Special needs. It’s something that society has labeled a child with who maybe doesn’t fit the mold. Special needs can be anything from dyslexia to ADD, to Autism to a speech delay to cerebral palsy. These areas are all “special” and require special needs.
In my home, I have a child that many would say has “special needs”. We have ADHD, Dyslexia, Apraxia, and other learning struggles. I share some about those struggles from my perspective here on the blog and the podcast. But, there are other stories, that I can’t or won’t share. Because they aren’t my stories to tell.
It is my job to be a mom.
However, I will say that raising children with special needs comes with challenges. It comes with hurt. It comes with the huge weight of knowing that the world is going to be harder for your children. It comes with the understanding that not everyone will “get” your kids. It comes with the reality that many will tell you how you should or shouldn’t approach these special needs. It comes with the realization that your child may never have that friend who truly gets them and loves them for who they are. It comes with challenges.
It is my job to meet these challenges head-on.
Raising children with special needs mean that we have to see past those needs and into the heart of our children. We can look at our children and see past what the world deems different. We see the beauty that lies in the heart of our kids. We see past the “special” and see the joy of God’s creation.
It is my job to nurture the special that is my child.
Moms, can I tell you that sometimes at night I cry myself to sleep because I can’t “fix” what others see as “wrong”? Can I tell you that sometimes I wonder WHY my children need to struggle? Can I tell you that I want life to be easier for my kids?
Can I tell you that sometimes I don’t want to deal with the special?
But, then, in those dark moments where I doubt my ability, or I don’t want to wonder how we are going to get therapy or medical care, or their needs met I remember that God granted me the blessing of this special child.
God knew that the world needed their beauty, their joy, their compassion, their ability to truly see the needs of others. God knew that the world needed that special person who is my child. God knew the blessing this child had to offer.
So, moms if you are raising a child with special needs can I encourage you today? On those days where you doubt your ability, where you doubt whether or not you are equipped for the task at hand can I tell you that you are?
God equipped YOU to parent your child, to love your child, to educate your child. God granted YOU with the ability to parent special.
Awe Kate! Your words are just what I needed to hear today as well. It is my blogging anniversary and sometimes in this crazy job we wonder if we are really reaching and encouraging people. Your comment was a reminder of WHY I have this space and WHAT my biggest goal is. So, thank you! Prayers for you and your family as you start this journey and please feel free to contact me as you embark into homeschooling.
Oh, Misty! You have no idea that you are such a HUGE BLESSING to my family right now. 2 days ago, my son was in a trial preschool class in our neighborhood. We went there for just 2 days but what I’ve seen is definitely a God’s banner that says “MY child, I have a better idea for your son. Just trust ME and take heart.” Raising a child with special needs is a challenge and not for a faint heart. I’ve been in and out of a limbo when I found out the diagnosis. Last night, my husband and I had a discussion over the idea of homeschooling our toddler. We both agreed that this is the BEST option we got for our child. There are few concerns though that we take for consideration like where in our little abode would the homeschool room would be. I also search the internet for tips and this is where I stumbled your blog. I’ve read some of your posts and your advice will be our guidance when we start this new adventure for us. Your insights and honesty are very much helpful. God bless you!
By the way, I think we are both belong in a Facebook group for Christian Marriage and Motherhood. 🙂