Through the years I have heard many, many, reasons as to why people can’t homeschool. We are going to investigate those reasons and show how you can overcome them.
I am so excited to announce the launch of a brand new series! I have been homeschooling “officially” since 2010 and through the years I have heard many, many, reasons as to why people can’t homeschool. Some reasons are valid, some are real concerns, and others are just excuses. There are two legitimate reasons not to homeschool, and I would never ever pressure a parent to attempt to overcome these hurdles.
If a spouse is against homeschooling, it should not be attempted. Period. Both parents must be on board in order for homeschooling to work.
Another reason is quite frankly when a parent doesn’t want to do it. Homeschooling must be desired, and one must feel convicted or led to homeschool in order for it to work. If you really, truly don’t want to homeschool, guess what? That is OKAY! I don’t think any less of you, and hopefully other homeschooling parents don’t either. Please don’t feel the like you have to validate your reasons for not homeschooling.
Now, some people really, truly don’t think they can overcome certain hurdles in order to home educate their children. These parents are who this series is for!
Through the next 6 weeks, I plan on looking at different reasons why people think they can’t homeschool. We are going to investigate those reasons and show ways that parents can overcome these hurdles.
Here are the topics that we will be investigating:
October 20th: I Can’t Homeschool Because My Child Has Special Needs, Guest Post by Katie Sullivan at My Sweet Homeschool.
October 27th: I Can’t Homeschool Because I Don’t Have the Patience
November: 5th: I Can’t Homeschool Because I Work Outside the Home, Guest Post by Maritza Antúnez at Homeschool Epiphany.
November 10th: I Can’t Homeschool Because I am Not Organized Enough
November 19th: I Can’t Homeschool Because I Want My Kids to Be Socialized
November 24th: I Can’t Homeschool Because? Answering YOUR Questions!
Related posts:
Dear Mom, Whose Spouse is Against Homeschooling
I Cant’ Afford to Homeschool…YES you can!
So, make sure to come back next week as we kick off our new series, I Can’t Homeschool Because…!
For more homeschool encouragement check out my other series You Can’t Homeschool Because….!
Very good article with great advice. We homeschooled our kiddos through graduation. It was the hardest and the best thing I’ve ever done, and yes, I would do it all again. Thank you for helping people think through these so called obstacles that can be overcome.This is very helpful and I’m going to share it on my Facebook page.
Great series! I homeschool 3 children, 1 on the autism spectrum and I work part time outside the home. It works for us but it is hard work. I didn’t start until I felt totally called by God and until my husband felt 100 percent on board. Couldn’t do it without those 2 elements.
What a fun series! This just goes to show that any objection can be overcome if you are called to homeschool.
Oh Kiasa, I have been where you are. I actually plan on writing a post about husbands not supporting homeschooling. I have it on the schedule for December.
Thank you so much for stopping by and for sharing your story. Prayers! And, I hope you come back to read more about homeschooling.
I saw this post on pinterest and it caught my eye. I don’t homeschool but really, really want to. My husband is not on board (yet). So when I read your second paragraph it made me laugh. But I read your post anyway and I like your ideas. One of my family’s concern with homeschooling is my patience level, so I’ll head to that post soon. But another concern I have (although not a huge concern) is having enough space. I have 3 kids in a 2 bedroom apartment. I don’t feel like we have much stuff but our home often feels cluttered and my daughter has a hard time doing her own thing (projects, playing with her own toys, etc.) with 2 little brothers always getting into her stuff. So it is hard to even imagine adding homeschooling into our home. But if my husband ever agrees to homeschool I’ll hop on that wagon no matter how crazy life is.
Thanks for stopping by! Glad you enjoyed the post/series.
This is interesting! When i saw the titled I had two thoughts, I don’t have the patience and I work. I loved that you had addressed both of those in this series. Great series, I commend you ladies that are homeschooling your children!
Thanks for linking up #SHINEbloghop
Oh, yes! We started our homeschool group in 2011 and we get about a dozen new families every year. Homeschooling is getting more and more popular. Parents just need a little encouragement once they get the idea in their head. Thanks for stopping by!
My Top 5 Myths About Homeschooling is one of my top blog posts. I look forward to reading the rest of this series. I think it’s an amazing topic and idea. I do feel that more parents are going to want to homeschool their kids all to soon.
Thank you so much Jennifer! I am excited about it 🙂
Oooh, this is wonderful Misty! What a great idea for a series. I can’t wait to see what you share and I’m looking forward to following along.