The must-have books for the homeschool mom. Those are the ones that I recommend to moms regardless of where they are on their homeschool journey. Those are the must-have books for the homeschool moms that I am sharing today.
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When I first began considering homeschooling I may have gone a little crazy in the homeschool books department. I seriously bought dozens of books and devoured them. I checked out even more from the library and may have dog-eared a few pages.
Out of all those books, there were some really great ones! There were also some not so great ones. Those were not checked out again or were sent to the Salvation Army 😉
The great books about homeschooling? Those are still on my shelf and/or kindle. Those are the must-have books for homeschool moms. Those are the ones that I allow moms to borrow, and the ones I recommend to moms regardless of where they are on their homeschool journey. Those are the ones I want to share with you today in this homeschool mom book list.
Sarah Mackenzie rocked my world at the Great Homeschool Convention and this book is a must read for ANY homeschool mom! It would also be a great choice for homeschool moms book club.
Although homeschooling is a great joy and privilege, it also a challenging undertaking that stretches and grows us. This guide offers hope, encouragement, and sanity to prayerfully strengthen your soul for this God-given journey.
Homeschooling can and will change your marriage. As busy homeschool moms, romance is one of those things we don’t always have time for. Heidi St. John strives to help us all add romance back into our homes.
I love mentoring new homeschool moms and this book is my labor of love for you all!
No, I did not name this blog after this book. BUT, it is SO good that wouldn’t have been a bad idea 😉 This devotional is full of encouragement for moms regardless of where they are on their journey.
Who struggles with getting it all done? Me too! That is why I love the simple tips Heidi shares in this book. She will whip your day into shape and it may be easier than you thought 😉
This book is one I would buy for EVERY homeschool mom (if I could afford to…). This book breaks down the lies all homeschool moms believe and tells you WHY they are NUTS. Todd is also pretty stinking funny so I guarantee you will laugh along the way. A must have for every homeschool mom reading list.
One question I get asked ALL the time is how I manage to work from home on top of homeschooling. I broke down HOW I do that and how YOU can too in this book!
One thing I have shared before on this blog is my struggle with parenting with grace. I know that I am not the only one who has this struggle. That is why I LOVED this book. Christin speaks straight to the heart of moms and offers practical guidance on how to respond gently to our children.
Karen DeBeus is one of the most encouraging writers I have ever met. She continues that encouragement in this book. Most of us struggle with joy in our daily tasks, but Karen reminds us what is important and encourages us to let God guide our homeschool days.
If you are not sure how your children learn you will want to buy this book! If you are not sure how to teach your children you will want to buy this book! If you are not sure what curriculum to choose, you will want to buy this book! Do you see a pattern here?
Whether it’s right or wrong, I bet most of us wonder about gaps in our children’s homeschooling. For me, that’s where this book comes in! I check it a few times a year, check out a few recommended books from the library and voila, problem solved!
Ever wondered what a day in the life of other homeschoolers was like? This book will show you! This book takes you into the homes and schools of real-life homeschoolers. It contains chapters on how to teach everything from preschool to unit studies, to classical education and more.
This is one book that every mom should read regardless of how she educates her children. Moms today are being bombarded with myths, and this book sets out to debunk each and every one of them!
One question we ALL hate hearing is “What about socialization”. This book breaks down that belief and explains why homeschooling actually benefits a child socially. If you purchase it grab a second copy for the skeptical grandparents, I did 😉
Homeschooling doesn’t have to be complicated. Karen explains how we can simplify our homeschool and focus on what really matters!
Written as if you were sitting right across from her for coffee this book shares the story of 15 REAL homeschool families who are making homeschooling work. It is SO encouraging to read others struggles and triumphs.
Love, love, love this bible! It has a daily devotional that is written JUST for the Homeschool Mom. Perfect for a little pick me up before you start your lessons each day.
The fact that I have gone through this book three times and learn something new each time should be a huge testament to it’s worth. As homeschool moms, our kids are with us every day. They see the good, the bad and the ugly and when we come unglued they pay the price. This book helps you learn how to keep those emotions in check.
Are you tired? Wore down? Most of us are! This book helps you find joy in your exhaustion and encourages you to let God help you through. There is beauty in the mess, and if you search you can find it!
I remember reading this book for the first time and thinking “FINALLY, somebody GETS me!”. Sarah Mae is real and shares her struggles in a personal way that helps you dig deep into your desperation while encouraging you to just breath.
Again, every book here is one that I own. These are books that if we sat down in the real world, I would recommend, even without an affiliate link. Or, better yet, I’d let you borrow them 😉
So, if you are considering homeschooling consider a few of these books. If you are weary in your homeschool journey, consider a few of these books. If you have a friend, sister, or loved one considering homeschooling gift her one of these books (or send her this list of recommendations!). Homeschooling is a journey that is not meant to go on alone, and these books for the homeschool mom help make that journey a little bit easier.
Misty, what did you do to me?? I’ve only read one of these!! Amazon, here I come!
You are SO welcome Karen 🙂 Thank you for stopping by!!
Thank you for including my books on your list! What an encouragement to me! 🙂 Be blessed!
Great list! Cathy Duffy’s Top 102 and Lisa Whelchel’s book top my list of “must haves”.
Awe, thank you Lori! You stopping by means so much 🙂
Thank you, Misty, for your kind endorsement of Joy in the Journey. May God richly bless you as you ride the sometimes-vexing, always-challenging, 24-7 roller coaster of the homeschooling life. As the mom of two graduates, I wouldn’t trade it for the world!
Thank you for this! I”m new to Homeschooling