What do you do when homeschooling is hard? When you just want to throw in the towel instead of homeschooling one more day? Here are 101 reasons to keep homeschooling. Even when it is hard.
The seasons of homeschooling, we go through so many of them through the years. Many of these seasons leave us tempted to throw in the towel. I remember one day during a particularly hard season when the yellow school bus went by and I wondered why in the world I was still on this homeschool journey.
But, I kept on going, and those ugly days turned in to joyful ones. Just like with the weather homeschool seasons come and go. And when those hard homeschool seasons come, we need some encouragement. That is why I am going to share 101 reasons to homeschool through the hard seasons. Even when we are in a season that is hard, we can keep on homeschooling. There is joy on the other side. I promise!
So, when you’re ready to throw in the towel or call the local public school, remember some of these words from fellow homeschool moms about why they keep going. Even when homeschooling is hard.
- Because we teach our kids perseverance by continuing
- Because the hard moments lead to joy down the road
- Homeschooling through a time of grief gives us the time to work through the really hard days
- Because we don’t homeschool just for today, we are building adults who will need to learn to be resilient ~Lesli Gibbs from This Crazy Homeschool Life
- Because it won’t be like this for long. And getting up early stinks.~ The Hifalutin Homeschooler
- The freedom!
- School shootings
- No homework
- No common core
- No bullying
- Ability to go at my kids’ pace
- Try remembering the rewarding moments. Doesn’t feel like many sometimes but when the light comes
💡 on it so great.
- You get to teach them about God a little more than what they may learn elsewhere.
- Freedom, doing what you feel is best for your child, knowing even when it is hard that you aren’t losing that precious time you get to spend with your child…
- Seeing first hand his next progress is worth all the hard work!
- You’ll never regret time spent with your kids.
- You will love seeing your child’s eyes light up when something “clicks”
- Whatever it is your family is going through? It’s only for a season. Hang in there. I promise you, This too shall pass. I know it feels like you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel right now, but it’s coming. When this is all over you and your family will be able to look back and celebrate the victory of homeschooling through hard times!~Adrienne Bolton at iHomeschool Network
- Ability to meet my children where they are academically.
- Having the ability to pick up and go anywhere, anytime.
- The ability to see your kids around your work schedule-from my husband. When our kids were in public school he could go days without seeing them because his schedule just didn’t mesh up with the school schedule. It was very terrible for him.
- Knowing your child has the freedom to get up and move if they need to fidget instead of being forced to sit at a desk for 6 hours.
- Knowing your older children can choose curriculum tailored to their particular interests, hobbies, or future careers
- I want my girls to learn & understand what they are learning, not just memorize facts to pass a test.I’m not sure we can afford “free” public education. Between the lunches, the clothes, the field trips, the transportation, the school supplies, sickness that requires medication and doctor visits, and the limited dual enrollment options, “free” public school has the potential of costing families thousands of dollars.
- Knowing your children well, protecting them during this small time of being young, knowing their academic needs, freedom, and raising independent thinkers
- Field trips wherever/whenever you want
- No more early mornings
- No more crazy school pickups
- Letting your kids choose subjects they WANT to learn about
- Remember the fun days
- No more snow days/teacher training days
- No more tests!
- Ability to build our faith into our lessons
- You have control over the rewards they get, the distractions, what they are taught, how they are treated and what they eat.
- The freedom for my kids to learn at their pace and to tailor their education to each of their needs.
- Being able to watch them grow and develop, to see them blossom in front of me is a true treat and one that frankly, all moms should experience. But most don’t. And I wouldn’t if we didn’t homeschool.
- In a couple of years, I would have had each of my 3 kids in a different school. So glad I won’t have to juggle that nightmare now!
- God called me to homeschool my children. I remind myself to obey God. This is His will for my life at this moment.
- You are leading by example, you are showing perseverance.
- You are also showing your kids you are sticking with them, you aren’t going to quit on them.
- There have been days I’ve wanted to quit, but I think about the bigger picture and all those bad days are worth it.
- Remember why you started in the first place.
- After sowing, you will reap a reward.
- Everything has its ups and downs and the up days are so good when homeschooling
- Individual need of the student
- The freedom for us to choose what, when, where, and how our children learn (allowing for their input too)
- Being able to spend much more time together as a family than we would otherwise
- Being able to avoid much of the negative influences of other kids at school, especially while our kids are very young and impressionable
- God commands us to raise our children in his way and I do not feel that the public education system is conducive to that command.
- I can have full control over my children’s education and cater to their individual needs.
- The classroom setting is not an ideal learning environment
- We are commanded by the Lord to educate our children.
- Homeschooling has allowed me to watch my girls blossom into beautiful young ladies who love the Lord, and love to learn. And that fruit I have seen from them through the years has been worth every tear, every bad day, and every doubt that I have ever had about homeschooling.
- Don’t care for public school curriculum or the inability to cater to an individual need.
- We wanted to ensure our children were taught to be independent seekers of knowledge.
- To teach, Biblical principles, avoid them picking up inappropriate behaviors, have more of a control on playmates, teach them daily life skills.
- To have fun, vacation, go to museums explore.
- Families belong together and create the best learning environments. Seriously, who cares about your best interest more?
- On those days when you don’t believe you can go on for one more day…. YOU CAN!
- Learning together as a family fosters relationship, strengthens our weaknesses in a safe environment, and offers real opportunities for all sorts of social interactions.
- Real life is the best teacher.
- Started out as time. Time to do the things they love. Riding horses.
- God’s protection even though I felt strongly that more Christians in public school the better. Just pray and trust God will take care of them. Well getting me to home school was their protection.
- We were spending so much time teaching the homework that was sent home late into the night so why not just teach it.
- To have more time with my children.
- To be able to give them time learning and investing in their gifts, talents, and interests.
- Because we felt led by the Lord to do it.
- School failed my child
- Homeschooling has been a huge blessing for our family.
- Wanted control over our family schedule
- When money is so tight and you believe that if you could just work outside the home things would be better, remember HE WILL PROVIDE!
- Had enough of other people’s children
- Remember that YOU love those children more than anyone else. How could you NOT be the best possible person for the task?
- Bad days happen. It’s life. What better way to model how to overcome those bad days than life itself
- Religion (more like preparation of the heart for the world)
- As moms, we want what is best for our children. We want them to have a top-notch education. We want them to succeed in life. We want what’s best for them. And often we question whether or not we are the ones to do this job. We question whether or not we can finish the task before us. We doubt our abilities. But, we need to remember WHO is in control. It’s not us. It’s the one who called us to this task.
- discipline (being able to correct right away, no bullying),
- not allowing the government to tell me what my child needs to learn or when (common core, civics, learning difficulties, science fallacies).
- Traditional school hours are too long for my little children
- It’s healthier
- What God has called you to do, He will equip you to finish!
- I enjoy teaching them
- Spending time with my kids,
- Being able to teach them on their level,
- protecting them from bullying, etc.
- I wanted to teach my sons since I knew their strengths and weaknesses.
- My husband and I wanted to travel and show them how different each region of the US is, and public schools discourage missing school even for educational opportunities.
- Both of my sons participated in theater, dance, baseball, etc., and I was able to schedule the day to accommodate their passions.
- Society
- Flexibility
The truth is that homeschooling is hard. It is not going to be easy and is not a decision to make lightly. But, the truth is that parenting is hard, marriage is hard, life is hard. But, we don’t give up! Instead, we make a decision to stay married. We choose to get up every day and live life to the best of our ability. We strive to be Godly parents and raise up great kids. None of this is easy. But, we do it anyway because we believe in. The same can be said for homeschooling.
To read more on this topic see these related posts.
- I Can’t Homeschool, it is Too Hard
- Homeschooling, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- When the Yellow Bus is Tempting
If after this post you are STILL tempted to throw in the towel on homeschooling don’t give up! I’d love to chat with you about your homeschool struggles and maybe we can tame the chaos and find a way to bring more joy to your homeschool.
Read more 101 posts from my friends at iHomeschool Network!